AstroLocality Relocation Report*
$ 28.95
Are you thinking about moving, and wondering how you will like the new location? Or perhaps you are deciding on a place to vacation. This AstroLocality Relocation Report tells you about your experience in each city.
Select up to 5 cities (at least 300-400 miles apart) for your report.
*Although a report does not supplant an in-depth consultation with William Stickevers, this report will give you an additional level of insight you need for determining where to move.
Note: Reports are emailed within 1-2 business days.
AstroLocality Report for
Daniel Craig
March 2, 1968
12:00 PM
Chester, England
1: MANHATTAN, NEW YORK 40N46 73W59 28 AQ 39 12 SA 46
*** Descendant Conjunct Jupiter *** (Orb: 0 Deg 48 Min)
Others are likely to help you here. You meet influential people and rub elbows with those in positions of power. You are outgoing and gregarious here.
*** MC Trine Mars *** (Orb: 1 Deg 51 Min)
An excellent geographic area for career, vocation, and business activities, especially if you are ambitious but not too pushy or hostile. The ability to achieve a great deal and make solid progress.
*** MC Trine Saturn *** (Orb: 1 Deg 31 Min)
This geographic area is excellent for vocational, career, and business pursuits. You have the discipline and concentration of energy to achieve something of real value here. Contacts with experienced professionals is likely, and these people can help guide you.
*** IC Trine Venus *** (Orb: 1 Deg 06 Min)
A very pleasant place for you. You enjoy good relationships at both work and at home, and romantic relationships tend to work out well.
*** MC Square Sun *** (Orb: 0 Deg 49 Min)
You are likely to find yourself struggling for a balance between work and home responsibilities while in this area. There are opportunities for advancement, but they do not come easy. This is a challenging place for you, but the challenges can bring rewards.
* Ascendant Square Neptune * (Orb: 2 Deg 08 Min)
You are likely to encounter artists, fervently religious or mystically oriented people. Some people are sincere, but others are lying to themselves and will consequently prove to be less sincere than you originally thought. Broken promises and deception are possible, so be cautious in following someone who can talk a good line, but may not have the character to support it.
MC Trine Moon (Orb: 5 Deg 39 Min)
You feel very comfortable in this geographic area. You are likely to create a very pleasant home life, and you enjoy a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.
IC Trine Mercury (Orb: 4 Deg 50 Min)
A great place for you to study and learn. Business activities are also favored because communications tend to be clear and unambiguous. Contracts and negotiations tend to go smoothly.
Descendant Conjunct fixed star Regulus (Orb: 0 Deg 44 Min)
Courage and truth are primary assets for you in this locality. You meet individuals here who support your path to success, but who can tarnish your name because of their own indiscretions and scandals.
Summary of Scores of 10 Treasure Maps for this Location
Friendship and Family: 137
Detailed Friendship and Family: 93
Love and Romance: 245
Vocation and Career: 485
Optimism and Opportunity: 274
Education and Communication: 48
Culture and Creativity: 184
Responsibility and Focus: 187
Imagination and Inspiration: 161
Excitement and Instability: 0
2: LONDON, ENGLAND 51N30 0W10 28 GE 18 22 AQ 47
*** Descendant Trine Jupiter *** (Orb: 1 Deg 09 Min)
You are able to make friends and acquaintances here. You are drawn into a social circle and good opportunities present themselves. You enjoy yourself, and find time to party, socialize, and explore.
*** Ascendant Square Uranus *** (Orb: 0 Deg 28 Min)
Plans are not likely to turn out as expected while you are in this area. You will meet some very interesting and unusual people, but there is a tendency for relationships to change. People may move or other situations arise that change the original plan.
* MC Conjunct Mercury * (Orb: 5 Deg 11 Min)
A good place for learning and developing a knowledge of how things work. You are able to make contacts that assist you in your career, and you are able to get your voice heard by local authorities.
* MC Square Neptune * (Orb: 3 Deg 45 Min)
While in this area you are likely to receive promises that sound too good to be true. And they are, in fact, too good to be true. Don't get sucked into scams. Questions about your own religious beliefs and ideals are likely to lead to self-questioning and reorientations in your belief system.
MC Conjunct Venus (Orb: 8 Deg 56 Min)
You are well-liked in this area, and you may become very popular. Your work is well-received by others. Your career is likely to incorporate more artistic elements.
IC Conjunct Jupiter (Orb: 6 Deg 40 Min)
Domestic affairs are favored. You are likely to find that your home can be larger or more comfortable than you had imagined, due to fortuitous circumstances. Vocational and career affairs tend to attract benefit as well, making it possible for you to make a very pleasant home life.
IC Trine Moon (Orb: 4 Deg 22 Min)
You feel very comfortable in this geographic area. You are likely to create a very pleasant home life, and you enjoy a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.
Descendant Conjunct fixed star Acumen (Orb: 0 Deg 00 Min)
In this location you expect other people to understand your emotional responses. This can be a good thing, in that you can get closer to others. However, you can expect difficulties unless you state your desires out loud.
Ascendant Conjunct fixed star Betelgeuse (Orb: 0 Deg 01 Min)
You have tremendous physical energy in this locale. You very likely experience success here, and possibly fame as well.
MC Conjunct fixed star Deneb Algedi (Orb: 0 Deg 19 Min)
In this geographic region, philosophical thoughts guide you to seek the company of religious figures. you stand to gain fame and fortune in your career through their aid.
Ascendant Conjunct fixed star Polaris (Orb: 0 Deg 11 Min)
Your intuitive powers are heightened in this locality. You may experience clearer eyesight in this location, as well as spiritual insight.
Summary of Scores of 10 Treasure Maps for this Location
Friendship and Family: 70
Detailed Friendship and Family: 258
Love and Romance: 3
Vocation and Career: 173
Optimism and Opportunity: 280
Education and Communication: 127
Culture and Creativity: 105
Responsibility and Focus: 0
Imagination and Inspiration: 94
Excitement and Instability: 138
3: BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA 34S38 58W28 27 PI 20 27 SA 05
*** Descendant Conjunct Uranus *** (Orb: 0 Deg 30 Min)
Relationships with others are likely to take unexpected turns while you are in this area. Desire for excitement in relationships is strong, and commitment tends to be weak, resulting in sudden changes.
*** Ascendant Trine Neptune *** (Orb: 0 Deg 49 Min)
You enjoy creative and imaginative times with others while in this area. You may act in uncharacteristically silly or childish ways - and enjoy it! A good place to spark your imagination and creativity.
*** MC Square Uranus *** (Orb: 0 Deg 45 Min)
Sudden changes in your career plans are likely while in this area. Job changes tend to be more frequent than you expected.
* Descendant Conjunct Pluto * (Orb: 5 Deg 32 Min)
You will encounter people in this area that are likely to have a big effect on your life. Perhaps they will become life-long friends or change the direction of your life in some way. There is likely to be both good and bad effects from these relationships; the relationships cannot be avoided, but how you handle them is up to you.
* MC Trine Jupiter * (Orb: 2 Deg 21 Min)
Excellent opportunities in your career, vocation, or business pursuits. Doors open for you, and you can find a good job and have a nice home life in this area.
MC Square Pluto (Orb: 5 Deg 17 Min)
You are likely to become deeply entangled and enmeshed with others at your place of work, and complex interpersonal dynamics can make your situation a difficult one to improve or work out of.
Descendant Conjunct fixed star Benetnash (Orb: 0 Deg 52 Min)
In this locale your interest in the end of life positions you to meet people who are involved with the subjects of death and dying.
Descendant Conjunct fixed star Zavijava (Orb: 0 Deg 38 Min)
Your forceful activities bring you into contact with people in this geographic region who share your style.
Summary of Scores of 10 Treasure Maps for this Location
Friendship and Family: 0
Detailed Friendship and Family: 152
Love and Romance: 0
Vocation and Career: 91
Optimism and Opportunity: 152
Education and Communication: 0
Culture and Creativity: 130
Responsibility and Focus: 0
Imagination and Inspiration: 302
Excitement and Instability: 415
4: HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA 34N05'54" 118W19'33" 9 CP 21 29 LI 01
*** IC Trine Jupiter *** (Orb: 0 Deg 26 Min)
Excellent opportunities in your career, vocation, or business pursuits. Doors open for you, and you can find a good job and have a nice home life in this area.
*** Ascendant Square Mars *** (Orb: 1 Deg 34 Min)
In this area you are likely to become involved with others on shared projects, perhaps team sports, and other group endeavors with a goal of achieving a lot. Try to avoid arguments and hostility because there is a tendency for hostility to arise when frustrations are encountered.
*** Ascendant Square Saturn *** (Orb: 1 Deg 54 Min)
Life is likely to take on a more serious tone than you anticipated while in this area. Responsibilities to others tend to take up a great deal of time, and you may find that you have little time to "play" or relax.
* Descendant Trine Sun * (Orb: 2 Deg 35 Min)
Employment and career opportunities are good for you. Life is comfortable and you are likely to find yourself drawn to return to this area, and if you live in this area, you are likely to find that you can develop a healthy, positive life style here.
Descendant Conjunct fixed star Alhena (Orb: 0 Deg 41 Min)
Partnerships may take on too much of a good thing in the area of socializing and physical pleasure.
IC Conjunct fixed star Mirach (Orb: 0 Deg 57 Min)
You are in your comfort zone here. Because of this, the people around you benefit regarding school work, friendships, personal attraction, and romantic relationships.
Summary of Scores of 10 Treasure Maps for this Location
Friendship and Family: 0
Detailed Friendship and Family: 374
Love and Romance: 0
Vocation and Career: 449
Optimism and Opportunity: 232
Education and Communication: 0
Culture and Creativity: 0
Responsibility and Focus: 103
Imagination and Inspiration: 0
Excitement and Instability: 0