Astrological Talismans
Jupiter-Uranus in Pisces Metal Talisman
Personal growth and development, bold change, express your own personal "truth" authentically
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What effects does a Jupiter-Uranus Talisman have?
Uranus is the outer planet associated with change, innovation, advancement, and revolution. Conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, Uranus encourages the growth and development of the Promethean spirit of revolution, emancipation, innovation, boldness, and self-will. Therefore, the Jupiter-Uranus talisman will accelerate the development and timing of major personal breakthroughs that involve an extraordinary expansion of consciousness, brilliant intellectual insights, sudden intuitive leaps in understating, psychological rebirths.
The Jupiter-Uranus Talisman in will give power to move away from “risk-aversion” and help you take bold but calculated risk that will prove to be both liberating and vastly rewarding in many ways. You will become more heroic and gallant in your decision-making and able to express your own personal “truth” out into the world in a more authentic manner. Over time, it will open your eyes to new possibilities by seeing situations from a totally different angle. Also, you be able to think of radical solutions to problems that you have been unwilling to face, and have the confidence to implement them. The Jupiter-Uranus Talisman will broaden the scope of your life, allowing you to live life from a richer and broader perspective.
Mars in Scorpio Metal Talisman
Boldness, courage, strength, fortitude, and victory.
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What effects does a Mars in Scorpio Talisman have?
Because Mars represents passion and drive, the Mars talisman brings prowess. Mars in Scorpio, the sign of his dignity, brings ambition and fierce determination to overcome. Therefore, it is effective in overcoming one's competition and cultivating the necessary courage to take decisive action. Additionally, Mars in Scorpio promotes both physical and psychological stamina, ambition, and the desire to take daring risk for achievement.
Mayan Solstice Sun Conjunct Galactic Plane Metal Talisman
EXTREMELY RARE TALISMAN - Next such alignment will be in 5,125 years. Expand perceptions of reality, recognize false belief systems that limit growth. Help during a transformational crisis to provide answers, guidance, and sense of meaning.
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What effects does this Mayan Solstice Sun Conjunct Galactic Plane Talisman have?
The Mayan End Date Evolutionary Shift of Consciousness begins May 20th 2012 – Dec 21st 2012:
The Mayan Long Count End Date ( in the Long Count) represents the rare alignment of the Winter Solstice Sun crossing through the Galactic Equator along the dark band of stars at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. According to the Maya this signifies the return of Quetzalcoatl. And heralds the emissions of energy particles – k’ul, from the heart of the Milky Galaxy that will interact with the Sun and in turn will be transmitted to the Earth, invoking the process of the destruction of the old epoch and the transformation into a new one for mankind.
According to Mayan Elders during the period from 2012 – 2032, scarcity in essential resources (food, fuel, and water) and economic distress will continue to intensify. They also state this will be a period where there will be collapse of false belief systems, and augurs the process of collective spiritual maturation that will require humanity to discard religious dogma and restore its relationship between man and God in order to be in the right relationship with the Divine.
Therefore, this talisman will assist in expanding one’s perceptions on the nature of reality, and recognize and challenge false belief systems that are limiting their growth. This talisman will also help during a period of transformation crisis when one loses complete confidence and trust in their belief in religion, government and institutions to provide answers and guidance, or a sense of meaning to their personal lives. This talisman will also help you unsuppress your dissenting voice about the injustices in experience and witness in your community. It will also help you discard any false religious dogma that still operate in your psyche and restore your connection with the Divine.
Mercury in Gemini Metal Talisman
Improved communication, reason, thought, understanding, and prosperity.
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What effects does a Mercury in Gemini Talisman have?
Mercury has dominion over all forms of exchange, communication, cognition, travel, and the occult. Mercury in the sign Gemini enhances one’s ability at organizing, detailed planning on a short-term scale, mastering the details of trade or technique and become proficient in matters of health and fitness. Therefore, a Mercury in Gemini talisman sharpens one’s critical faculties and enhancing focus and concentration. Additionally, Mercury in Gemini stimulates one’s thinking and imagination in a positive way while making one more receptive to what others have to say.
"[I]t renders the bearer thereof grateful, and fortunate to do what he pleaseth: it bringeth gain, and prevents poverty, conduceth to memory, understanding, and divination, and to the understanding of occult things by dreams:..."
-Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy Bk. II, Chapter 22 (Tyson ed.) page 318.As we can see the
Mercury talisman is useful for prosperity, reason, thought and understanding. A modern source, Nick Farrell, says that
"Mercury can be used for issues with communication, and magic."
- Making Talismans, (Llewellyn, 2001) page 75.
Mercury Regulus Metal Talisman
Honor, Distinction, Advancement, Success in Law
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What effects does a Mercury Regulus Talisman have?
Because Mercury effects are subtle, yet its influence is pervasive in virtually all areas of life. Mercury Talisman are ideal for improving one’s communications, with speaking, learning, and negation. The benefic fixed star Regulus, often called Cor Leonis or Heart of the constellation Leo. About Regulus prominent in the horoscope, Renaissance astrologer William Lilly says,
"It shews the Native to be magnanimous, that he is of generous and civil condition, desires to bear rule, or is ambitious of dominion over others."
-William Lilly, Christian Astrology
Therefore, Mercury in the Sign of Virgo conjunct Regulus denotes honor, distinction, integrity, and gain through negotiation with those in high position. And so this talisman provides advancement and good fortune in matters of business and those with high office. Additionally, Mercury Regulus brings success in law, ecclesiastical, intellectual, and technological pursuits.
Saturn in Libra Metal Talisman
Develop Discipline to Achieve Your Ambitions and Efficiency in Work, Gain Recognition in Your Field and Favor from Those in Authority
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What can we expect with a Saturn in Libra Talisman?
Saturn is the planet of longevity, mastery of specialized and profound knowledge, and the co-ruler with Mercury of magic and the occult sciences.
For the Picatrix states that Saturn rules,
"[the] profound sciences, and in the science of laws and seeking out the causes and roots of things and their effects, and speaking of miracles and understanding deep and secret qualities."
-Picatrix, Book III, chapter 1, Greer & Warnock translation.
Saturn rules over the very the fabric of reality and therefore rules structure, organization, meaning and tangible achievement to the world. Saturn rules over the realm of time and matter in a Newtonian universe. Saturn represents the law of causality, and the necessity of limitation, boundaries, authority, the rule of law, and ethics. universal principles, and ethics. On a personal level Saturn rules the very things that define one’s personality based on personal biography, education, and socio-economic position for it brings definition to our lives. Therefore, Saturn makes one aware of the need for self-control, responsibility, commitment, personal boundaries, and a truthful understanding of our limits.
Saturn is dignified in the sign of Libra signifying profundity and depth in imagination and maturity and wisdom on matters of great importance. In the sign of Libra, it will seek balance, integrity, and justice. Saturn in Libra is also about the ability and need to negotiate, agree, commit and play by the rules in any partnership.
Famous renaissance astrologer and magician Cornelius Agrippa says that a Saturn talisman,
"...doth help to bring forth, or birth, and to make a man safe, and powerful, and to cause success of petitions with princes, and powers..."
-Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy Book 2, Chapter 22 (Tyson ed.) page 318.
Therefore, a Saturn in Libra talisman is a most expeditious way to make one industrious, hardworking and cultivate the necessary prudence and wisdom to follow through with projects and bring goals to completion. Also, this talisman will help one to commit and work on something that will become a cornerstone for future security. This talisman can also move you the clean out whatever remains in the form of old ghosts, false beliefs, and fears of the past that have paralyzed you from moving forward in your life.
Sun in Leo Metal Talisman
Confidence, recognition, dignified or majestic self-expression. Passion, energy, and confidence to professional and personal life. Brings support from those around you to achieve your goal. Good general health.
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What effects does a Sun Talisman have?
Because the sun represents the self or soul underneath a healthy ego, the Sun Talisman brings the confidence to execute and the supportive circumstances to carry through to completion. With this talisman, the Sun is in the zodiac sign of Leo, bringing dignified or majestic self-expression, and recognition. It is effective in bringing the passion, energy, and confidence to work and personal life and to gain support from those around you to achieve your goal. The Sun also promotes good general health.
Sun-Uranus World Point in Aries Metal Talisman - 18k Gold Plated
The next time this exceptional astrological alignment occurs will be the year 2430. Consciousness of purpose to achieve something of significance. Brings the enthusiasm, passion, courage to individuate into one's authentic and true self.
Includes: 18k Gold-Plated Sterling Silver Metal Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What effects does a Sun-Uranus World Point in Aries Talisman have?
The Sun-Uranus alignment along the World Point at zero degrees Aries makes this an unique talisman. The next time we can expect this exceptional astrological alignment to occur will be in the 25th Century in 2430, when according to science fiction author Isaac Asimov Earth will have established a totally balanced and ecologically stable society.
According to the early 20th century astrologer Reinhold Ebertin, the Sun-Uranus alignment probable manifestation is,
“A sudden turn in life, improvement of [one’s] living conditions, a change of place or vocation, [and the] carrying out of innovations and reforms.”
-The Combination of Stellar Influences, page 82. AFA edition.
So the Sun-Uranus alignment combined with the Aries World Point can summon consciousness of purpose and objective with urge to achieve something of significance. It emboldens one to advance in life and provide the enthusiasm, passion, courage to individuate. Thus a talisman created during this alignment can rejuvenate the spirit and inspire one toward originality, creativity, and imagination. Therefore, the Sun-Uranus World Point Talisman is ideal for expressing your freedom and independence through powerful bursts of self-will, prowess, fortitude, and determination to create a life of significance and purpose. With this talisman you be able to express your innate originality and uniqueness along with the ability and means to bring reforms for the advancement and benefit for one’s domain and the world.
The Sun-Uranus World Point Talisman will address the many of the old structures, beliefs, values, habits and behaviors, that have grown too constricting and overdue for some radical changes to make life more flexible, liberating and alive again. This talisman will move one to confront the opportunity of moving beyond the comfort zone to do something one always dreamed of doing, while cultivating the ability to be unique, inventive, creative and original and no longer concerned about what others think. At the very least, it can overcome being afraid to be different, and simply find a way to be different in a creative manner that is both liberating end empowering. As we can see, this Sun-Uranus talisman gives success, leadership and the urge to achieve prominence.
Third Lunar Mansion Metal Talisman
To attract all good things. Fulfillment, abundance. Good for business, self-employment, creative pursuits, and auspicious outcomes in nearly all areas of life. Safety in maritime travel.
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What effects does a Third Lunar Mansion Talisman have?
The root of the word Pleiades means “sufficiently filling it is.” Therefore, this lunar mansion augurs fulfillment, abundance and is a positive testimony in horary questions concerning business, creative pursuits, attractiveness, and promotes auspicious outcomes in nearly all areas of life. For many, this talisman brings one’s need for emotional warmth and connection with people, animals, and plants in one’s home and immediate surroundings that provides a profound sense of contentedness.
Since the Moon determines one’s capacity to feel content and satisfaction in ordinary life, the Third Lunar Mansion Talismans is ideal to attract situations meet one’s most fundamental need for warmth, safety and nourishment, both physical and emotional. In matters of love, it has the capacity to attract the love of a man or a woman, along with creating greater emotional depth with a lover. The Third Lunar Mansion talisman is also beneficial for those in business or who are self-employed, in drawing ideal customers and long-term clients that can provide you recurring business and sufficient cash flow especially during lean economic times. The Third Lunar Mansion talisman is also ideal for safety in maritime travel and seafaring trade, hunting, and in alchemical operations, and all works that involve fire.
Venus in Taurus Metal Talisman
Love, friendship. Enhance one's beauty and social life. Travel, the arts, and music. Enhancing fertility.
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
What effects does a Venus in Taurus Talisman have?
Venus is the planet of love, par excellence. Venus rules attractiveness – both the ability to attract, and attraction to others. It also rules the need for love and connection; therefore, it rules erotic desire, romance, and what feelings in regards to love and deep friendship. Venus also rules the grace, charm, the arts, music, dance, and beauty.
Venus in Taurus centers on the physical and erotic world of love and beauty. It also rules what pleasure we take in life, and the need be appreciated and to appreciate. Therefore, a Venus Taurus Talisman would be ideal for love, friendship, travel (vacation), and in the arts, music, and beauty. It would also be ideal for enhancing fertility and improving the prospect of conception.
For the famous Renaissance astrologer and magician Cornelius Agrippa says that a Venus talisman,
"[P]rocureth concord, endeth strife, procureth the love of women [and men], conduceth to conception, is good against barrenness, causeth ability for generation, dissolves enchantments, and causeth peace between men and women..."
-Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy Bk. II, Chapter 22 (Tyson ed.) page 319.
Venus Spica Metal Talisman

Happiness, social success, popularity with potential romantic partners, good fortune, love of the arts.
Includes: 100% Sterling Silver Talisman (2.9cm diameter), 20-minute Vision Coaching Consultation, 7-day Ritual Kit (incense powder, bath crystals, planetary oil, 100% pure beeswax candle)
Fixed Star Spica-Alpha Virginis
Spica-Alpha Virginis is a fixed star that is part of the constellation of Virgo. According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Venus and Mars and is ascribed honors and fame.
A Spica talisman according to renaissance mage Cornelius Agrippa says,
"Under Spica they made the image of a bird, or a man laden with merchandise; it conferreth riches, and maketh one overcome contentions, and it taketh away scarcity and mischief."
When Spica is conjunct Venus it often it often denotes happiness, social success, popularity with the opposite sex, gain through investment, preferment, unbounded good fortune, and love of the arts.
According Vivian Robson the Cabalists associate Spica with the Hebrew letter Gimel and the 3rd Tarot Trump "The Empress". The Empress connects spirit to the body, which brings forth creation and new life. For the Empress is the archetypal Earth Mother and represents fertility to would-be-parents, marriage to couples, and a peaceful home filled with abundance for the good things in life for families.